20th March. Time for a change

Catching up on some much needed sleep I missed the morning session at Orgreave. An evening visit gave me my first Sand Martin of the year.

Sunday was better with a couple of Little Ringed Plovers and 31 Whooper Swans 'honking' their way north harboring the end of winter hopefully. A party of five Greenfinches was surprisingly a site (shite) year tick - though they're not the common bird they used to be in these parts.

Less welcome was a Mink dancing its way along the river bank, flushing several Teal as it went.

A nice hat and a pair of gloves with teeth like razor blades.

With spiralling fuel prices and far too many garage bills in the last twelve months I've finally made the decision to ditch one of the cars. As Jo needs a car for work it's left to me to get the bus. Fortunately Orgreave is served by several buses so hopefully I will still keep up the regular visits. On the downside those tempting mid-week 'rares' might prove tricky! "Bus Wanker"


redzlan said...


Unknown said...

I am sure we can arange some mid week transport.