15th January. Piss Cock Partridge

Any of you lucky souls that pay out twenty + quid a month to Murdoch are in the unenviable position of being able to watch Bill Bailey's Birding Bonanza! Before you none subscribers rush to the phone with your debit card details, don't bother it's the biggest pile of crap to grace our screens since Big Top. I cannot be alone in thinking that the theme and title were born during an Alan Partridge type brain storming discussion or perhaps even Partridge came up with it.

I'm currently devising a new TV show. Basically it involves several groups of hobbyists gathering at a local gravel pits and beating the shit out of one another following a huge dispute over how great their opposing hobbies are.


Anonymous said...

Re Alan Partridge...still funny as fuck and a real 'class' act..[have been watching all the recent re-runs]...!
I posed the question to someone in the program making business 'how come shit like Big Top gets to be screened'?...and am still awaiting an answer!


Anonymous said...

Cheer up you miserable git. You are so negative about everything.

Mark said...

OK. I'm sorry Big Top's not really that bad.