Having a mid-morning physio appointment meant that I could sneak a couple of hours birding in before work. Arriving in the Watersports CarPark at RV I was impressed to see a couple of hundred Sand Martins lined up on the boat compound fence at just a few yards range. Fortunately I had the camera at the side of me so would be able to get some rather nice shots of them huddled together. Wrong! I switched the camera on to be created with a large 'E' which basically means there's no memory card in it - what a tit!! I decided to nip back home and get one and returned some 15 minutes later when all the Martins were flying around the Main Lake - Bastards!!

One that didn't get away
A nice Swallow
Waterports Car Park, is that an even filthier car park than the doggers car park?
You seem to know the area well John:)
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