Today was one of those days when looking at the forecast made you wish that you weren't at work days. It wasn't a sunny warm forecast it was one predicting
clag combined with a light easterly breeze, almost classic conditions for some straying migrants. Unfortunately I had to go to work!
Leaving work at 16:30 with a blinding headache I was torn between an hour or so at
Orgreave or going home for a nap. I decided on the former and after a slight diversion to
Morrisons for some provisions including some fine half price Scotch pies. Having scoffed two pies by the time I arrived at
Orgreave I was feeling much better, though better still was the sight of a couple of hundred
hirundines over the lagoon, at last some birds to look through. Whilst scanning through the Swallows and Sand Martins I heard the familiar call of a Yellow Wagtail. Scanning the area in front of me I found not one but eleven of these marigold yellow
beauties. I must admit I got quite excited, Yellow Wagtails are far
scarer in these parts than they used to be and the first flock I'd seen in many years. For the first time during the day the sun began to shine and no sooner had it done so the Wagtails were on their way like little yellow sprites energised by the brief solar energy. Likewise the swallows began rocketing through and within a couple of minutes the lagoon was devoid of
hirundines. Just beyond the wagtails I flushed a
wheatear, then another and then three more, this was a red letter day by
Orgreave standards and to say that I was enjoying this mini fall was an understatement. Added to this there were Common Sandpiper,
Dunlin, 'Ringed' Plovers and a couple more Yellow
Wag's all in this small area. This was certainly the best hours local birding I had had in a very long time.

Just for Colin