Back in 1984 I had my first proper birding holiday a full two weeks in North Norfolk at the end of July. As my mum and I sheltered from the rain in Daukes Hide we caught our first glimpse of a Bittern. Twenty-seven years on and the Bittern is still one of my favourite birds. It's always been a challenge to see these birds and always a thrill when I do. For the last eight winters I have been lucky enough to have a least one bird within walking distance of home. Most views of these birds have been as they drop into roost. Occasionally though I've been fortunate enough to have them out in the open sometimes for up to an hour, but inevitably this always coincided with me not having any cameras or the light being too poor for anything other than shaky video.
This morning, at Pit-house West, whilst failing to see any Redpolls I finally nailed one.

1 comment:
Nice one Mark. Ever tried a Hollands?
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