19th November. Shame

It would appear that naming and shaming is in vogue this month. Latest victims being the entire membership of the BNP. Unfortunately it was promptly removed from the net which is a shame as I'm sure that there would have been a few birders lurking in there somewhere, a bit like the police's list of wanted kiddie fiddlers several years ago! Can't understand why these far right Natzi's are up in arms about it? It could be a lot worse imagine the shame if the membership of the UK400 club was revealed!!

With a long (cold) weekend coming up I will hopefully have some birding to report on. Failing that there's bound to be some twat out there worth writing about. Who knows it might even be me!!


The Leicester Llama said...

I can't imagine the UK400 Club's membership list would be very long!

In fact is there anyone stupid enough to pay that crook money for anything these days?

The Drunkbirder said...

You only have to make up a few lies and you'll probably get a subscription to his sad little website

The Leicester Llama said...

The BNP membership list can still be found (as a text file) if you look hard enough. It's very long (about 12,000 names and addresses) but if you import it into Word you can easily search it.

There is one Leicestershire birder's name on it, although it's not someone I've ever met - just a name I've heard of. It is definitely him though.

Apart from that I didn't find anyone I knew or even knew of, but I'm sure there must be some birders on it if you can be bothered to go through the whole thing. Just remember that blackmail is illegal...

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy - Out of interest, which names did you search on first? AL

Ironically the six letter 'word verification' I had to enter to post this was 'comize'. You know, like fascists but historically they've killed more people. Similar though.