The Water Rails at Pit-house West seemed pleased with the kilo of sprats intended for the Bittern and showed to just a few feet at times, though they never sat still long enough for good shots.

I've just posted my first (sub) post on new multi author (it's all the rage apparently) birding blog The Crow Council. It's crap (my post not the blog) so skip mine and read the other stuff. We don't have McKinney or Garner and none of us live in bird rich South America but I'm sure it'll be fun and at least keep you off Nerd Forum for a few minutes each day. If all else fails I'll get my arse out as looking at the hits counter since last week you sick bastards clearly like that kind of thing!
Had a look at The Crow Council. It is late and I have been working all night but I am not sure I really understood the point of it.
To answer Stephen, hopefully the point of The Crow Council is to allow our authors and readers to engage in debate on birding subjects and themes without the crap that sometimes goes with birding debates elsewhere. Through these conversations we hope to question a few accepted truths, share our views and opinions for the good of all and inspire you to better birding.
Great post Mark! Its been a while since I have seen a Jack Snipe!
Love the Jack Snipe! Keep up the good work, Mike
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