Whilst staring at the TV last night I was pondering the idea of heading southwest and perhaps finally nailing a Great Shearwater but common sense prevailed and thoughts of sitting on some windswept, rain soaked headland soon vanished.
After wandering round Orgreave we paid a visit to the local pie store i.e. Morriscums and purchased a couple of excellent chunky steak pies. These will be the last pies until my forthcoming Shetland trip as my bins are starting to sit horizontally when round my neck and I really need to get into some kind of shape (other than round) for two weeks of ditch dwelling.
Sadly I shan't be joining you in your ditch dwelling this year Mark. I can't afford the ridiculous amount of money the thieving bastards at flybe want to charge me to get there. So no doubt it will be an excellent autumn!
Instead I shall be trying to find myself a Richard's Pipit and/or Lapland Bunting in Leics for my county list...
Sorry to hear that Andy. Booked my flight back in January for £150. Hpw much are they now?
It was about £310 for the dates & times I wanted to go, plus around £75 for parking!
I know I should have booked it earlier...
I've emailed Rob, but I don't know whether he's not getting my emails, or whether I'm not getting his replies, as I haven't heard anything from him since the 17th. Maybe the string's broken between Shetland and the mainland again.
I have been getting your emails Mr Llama and have finally replied, dispensing a large amount of wisdom in the process.
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