13th October. I'm a Birder Get Me Out of Here

It's been another grim day with little on the bird front, Pied Fly and a Lesser Whitethroat were the highlights. However a very slight improvement on the pie front . A hot Cottage Pie (hot cottage! try googling that!!) purchased from Mainlands gave me some hope (9 points) and as I put in the last mouthful (that's half a pie then) we were alerted of a Richard's Pipit at Toab - scarce pie = scarce.
Unlike the pie the Richard's Pipit did not show at all so we buggered off to the Lighthouse and saw 2 Goldcrests which was crap to say the least.
The rest of the afternoon was spent at Hoswick and Fladerbister with the Pied Fly and Lesser W' at the former. A stop off at the Sandwick Bakery produced just 'meat pies' confirming my thoughts in that there is some kind of pie famine occurring.

Incidentally our finding rivals of the previous years have just returned from a foreign trip HERE Can't help but feel sorry for the boys, surrounded by 'Giga Rare' and just a few 'scarce' to show for their efforts.

The lack of 'rares' proved too much for the invisible man.

Cottaging Pie


Tyrannosaurus Rex Harrison Ford said...

Now that looks more like a Pie. I hope you remembered to bring the Hendersons!

The Drunkbirder said...

That was a nice pie... mine was a little cold but still a 9. This year was very poor for pies and even extensive research at the sandwick bakery didn't reveal any firm pie baking agenda.