A barrage of solicitors letters, accusing me of just about everything except the holocaust, arrived on the mat this morning. Some birding therapy is much needed.
It would appear that I misunderstood Rob's text. He is in fact behind the bars of the Sumburgh Hotel along with Helen. I expect the hotels profits to plummet during the coming months.

Killdeer standing knee deep in pie shit.
Good news, you are off the hook on the holocaust charge! No meat pie or pasty has to contain more than 26% meat. Therefore a whole cow,sheep,pig,horse,donkey or cat could feed hundreds of lardy pie munchers, so no mass slaughter. Oh and on the subject the results of the poll are interesting, as current meat product regulations treat pies and pasties with the same statutory requirements, commenting only to say that the hard outer case of the pasty was not intended for human consumption, but as protection for the meat mush inside. Keep a stiff upper lip old chap. Reagards from limbland!
Ah Limb Land. Now I know who you are.
Hope all is well. Any chance that you could knock up a whole functioning torso complete with orifices?
Im good but not that good, see your email.
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